by The MLS Writer


Kasi Hyrapett | Real Estate Copywriter

Fair Housing Banned Words for Real Estate Property Descriptions

Ever tried to writing your own listing description remarks and felt like you were walking on eggshells, afraid to say the wrong thing! Welcome to the world of fair housing laws in real estate, where one slip of the tongue (or finger) can turn your dream deal into a legal nightmare.

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Real Estate Writing Tips for the Best Listing Descriptions

Hiring a professional real estate copywriter is beneficial, but you can write an effective and engaging listing description on your own, too! Here are some tips to help you create the best listing descriptions without the need for expensive assistance.

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Writing Captivating Listing Descriptions in Competitive Real Estate Markets

As a real estate copywriter in the Los Angeles area and formerly an appraiser, my real estate writing team enthusiastically crafts captivating listing descriptions to elevate the appeal of properties in one of the most competitive markets in the world and beyond.

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Kasi Hyrapett Kasi Hyrapett

Becoming a Real Estate Photographer + Copywriter for Listing Descriptions

What started as my frustration and confusion with "bla" listings I'd come across while reviewing residential appraisal reports and researching comparable properties on the MLS turned into a full-time job that allows me to combine my passions for real estate photography and writing - all while running a small team to help with everything!

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