Is Your Competitor Secretly Acing the Real Estate Email Marketing Game?
by the mls writer + NEST IMPRESSIONS | your real estate copywriting + email marketing team
If your local competitors are email marketing your ideal prospects, you'll probably never find out.
You can see what your competitors are doing on social media (if you don't feel like a stalker), but email marketing? That's a complete hush-hush, especially in the real estate world!
So, what am I getting at here?
Even though email marketing is a bit risky because inevitably, many recipients might unsubscribe if it's unsolicited, there are also legalities behind it, do's and don'ts, and cadence.
Sadly, a lot of bad and boring emails have been sent out by REALTORS and other real estate businesses.
Does this mean you should NOT email your clients and prospects? NO, of course not. Don't let me deter you from ANY marketing!
Email marketing in the real estate industry has grown my business to heights I didn’t think possible.
I'm a HUGE FAN of email marketing, and it’s a huge part of my own business success.
For the most part, as far as I've heard, business-to-business cold emails are OK, as long as you follow some rules (which we can maybe get into later).
At the very least, every real estate business has to have some sort of newsletter to email out to their database. Because why not?
How else are you going to stay top of mind for a small price?
Even if they delete your emails without opening them, they see and become more familiar with your name.
Just like when REALTORS send out marketing postcards, often many of them are thrown away, but even just a quick glance the resident makes at the postcard as it lands in their recycle bin, it engrains the sender's name into their mind, whether they like it or not!
Don’t shy away from email marketing.
With so many email marketing platforms to choose from, all it really takes is sitting down a few hours a month to write and schedule them out.
Watch some YouTube videos on how to set up email campaigns on different platforms, then pick one and stick to it!
There are plenty of great real estate marketing ideas out there to get inspiration from!
The MLS Writer + NEST IMPRESSIONS is a professional real estate copywriting team founded by Kasi Liz Hyrapett, a former REALTOR, Appraiser + Real Estate Photographer.
Professionally crafted real estate content, marketing emails, MLS listing descriptions, blog articles, and press releases are for savvy and busy real estate professionals who want to dominate their local market with top-notch, compelling copywriting to fuel their real estate marketing.
Top producers don’t rely on ChatGPT…
The MLS Writer’s team of professional real estate copywriters aims to improve real estate marketing efforts and inspire readers to take action.
Zero hassle. No fluff.
Enhance your reputation with carefully selected words for each piece of your real estate marketing content to make each word irresistible to homebuyers, sellers, and other real estate professionals on and off the MLS.
Have a press release written to put you in the top-tier category in your niche real estate field.
Whether you’re a REALTOR or affiliate business, we’ll create meticulously crafted email drips, newsletters, and blog content to captivate your real estate audience.
Why Hire The MLS Writer for Your Real Estate Copywriting and Email Campaign Management?
Experience a boost in your marketing efforts with stronger strategies that set you, your team, and your name apart from the rest by utilizing The MLS Writer's professional real estate copywriting services for your successful property (and business) marketing!
We work with REALTORS, real estate photographers, home stagers, appraisers, and more.
Ready to make your real estate business shine brighter with professional copywriting, engaging marketing emails, and compelling real estate descriptions + content?
Have The MLS Writer copywriting team professionally write your business bio, real estate newsletters, blog articles, property descriptions, email drip campaigns, and listing promotions/press releases!