The MLS Writer + NEST IMPRESSIONS | Real Estate Copywriter and Blog Manager

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Is your MLS Listing Description Causing You to Receive Lowball Real Estate Offers?

by the mls writer | your real estate  copywriting team

Between writing property listing descriptions earlier, I was entertaining myself by observing a conversation online about giving and receiving low-ball real estate offers on homes for sale.

It was interesting to hear different opinions, and I couldn't help but have some thoughts run through my mind as an "outsider" and current homeowner of three properties.

Presenting a lowball offer as the buyer's agent can be awkward.

Most REALTORS know when they see a lowball offer, and sometimes it just doesn't end up working out.

HOWEVER, it's almost always a good starting point to get feedback and even strike a deal. Receiving an offer alone itself is always worth a little woot-woot!

So...just tell the seller and come up with a counter-offer game plan. Doesn't hurt to ask, right?

Funny thing is, a bad property description kind of sets the tone of the "seriousness" and professionalism of the listing on the MLS.

Just like how bad real estate photos can devalue the image of the home, a poorly written listing description can give the "OK" to the buyer's agent to shoot over a low offer, thinking the seller and/or listing agent aren't too motivated to sell for top dollar.

In general, all offers must be presented to the seller, but I think some states may let the contract dictate the terms. If the homeowner instructs the listing agent not to even mention any offers under a certain amount, then there you have it.

Receiving a lowball offer is also awkward for the listing agent.

After all the marketing they've done for the seller - professional photography, hiring a professional real estate copywriter for the MLS description, getting custom brochures and postcard mailers made, and more - can really add up for the listing agent!

But they want to sell the home as much as the seller.

So the final conclusion is this…

If you want to make a lowball offer as the buyer's agent, be ready to explain to the listing agent your reasoning behind it. This will clarify things and lessen then awkwardness!

If you RECEIVE a lowball offer, ask the buyer's agent very politely and calmly, "Why the low offer?" And just remain silent - let them talk. Don't say a word until they explain!

You know the drill.

It's as simple as remaining calm and submitting a counteroffer while you, the listing agent, continue to market the property to the best of your ability.

Both buyers and sellers want to feel like they're getting a good deal, so be the intermediary that you are, and help them agree! Use the low-ball offer as a starting point to start the real estate negotiation process.

You never know what might happen, and that's what makes real estate exciting!

Kasi Liz Hyrapett - Founder of The MLS Writer

The MLS Writer is a professional real estate copywriting team started by Kasi Liz Hyrapett, a former REALTOR, Appraiser + Property Photographer.

Professionally crafted real estate content, marketing emails, and MLS listing descriptions are for savvy and busy real estate professionals who want to dominate their local market with top-notch, compelling copywriting to fuel their real estate marketing.

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The MLS Writer’s team of professional real estate copywriters aims to improve real estate marketing efforts and inspire readers to take action.

Zero hassle. No fluff.

Enhance your reputation with carefully selected words for each piece of your real estate marketing content to make them irresistible to homebuyers, sellers, and other real estate professionals on and off the MLS.

Use our custom, meticulously crafted listing description for creating captivating social media captions, real estate blogs, listing video scripts, property brochures + postcard mailers, and more!

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We work with REALTORS, real estate photographers, home stagers, and more.

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(see property description turnaround times + pricing info here.)

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