The MLS Writer + NEST IMPRESSIONS | Real Estate Copywriter and Blog Manager

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Increase Your Confidence in Listing Presentations by Offering Better Property Descriptions

by the mls writer | your real estate descriptions copywriting team

Knowing that your potential new listing's seller is truly motivated with a valid reason to sell is a key factor to give you confidence in your pitch.

Being aware of some of your local competition and how they pitch their services is also a perk, too.

Do other real estate agents hire a professional copywriter to write their listing descriptions?

(More on that later...)

It's OK to do your "homework" on other agents. Every successful business has probably done this! It's encouraged in many marketing and business books and blogs to "research your competition."

Don't be ashamed to do this.

Make sure your CMA is as spot on as possible and truly understand what's going on with the recent comparable sales.

Your net sheet has to set a realistic expectation.

Now let's skip straight to the listing marketing plan...

What are some listing marketing strategies you use that most other agents aren't?

Nevermind the staging, video or 3D tour, pro photos, fancy brochures...

Really think about this and put yourself in their shoes.

Do you have a large SOI or or social media following you can tap into?

Do you have your listing descriptions professionally written by a real estate writer?

Hmmmmm...probably not!

The point is, do whatever it takes to genuinely give you the confidence that your real estate selling services and strategies stand out from the local competition.

Offer a bit more by hiring a professional real estate writer for your listings…

Offer a bit more in your listing marketing plan to not only generate maximum interest in the properties you sell, bring in new leads for you, but also boost your confidence in getting more listings when you're face to face with the seller.

Add a professional real estate copywriter for your property descriptions so sellers are confident in choosing you as their listing agent.

Let your unique marketing plan to the convincing!

Kasi Liz Hyrapett - Founder of The MLS Writer

The MLS Writer is a professional real estate copywriting agency founded by Kasi Liz Hyrapett, former REALTOR, Appraiser + Property Photographer.

Professionally crafting listing descriptions for busy REALTORS and real estate teams who want to dominate their local market with top-notch, compelling writing for not only their business but to inspire buyers to take action is The MLS Writer’s mission.

Zero hassle. No fluff.

Enhance your reputation with carefully selected words for your property marketing to make your real estate listings irresistible to potential buyers and other real estate professionals.

Use your custom, meticulously crafted listing description for captivating social media captions, real estate blogs, listing video scripts, property brochures + postcard mailers, and more.

Experience a boost in your marketing efforts with stronger strategies to set you, your team, and your name apart from the rest.

Ready to make your real estate listing shine brightest with professional copywriting and compelling real estate descriptions? 

Ask us, or just say hello.

(see property description turnaround times + pricing info here.)

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